Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wait for WSO2 Carbon Studio 1.0.0

Carbon Studio 1.0.0 release is round the corner. Carbon Studio is a fully fledged SOA development environment which is a Eclipse Plugin. With Carbon Studio, you can develop, test, deploy and monitor most of the WSO2 products in a single eclipse workspace.

Several existing Eclipse tools integrated to the plugin in order to give more user friendly environment. Eclipse BPEL designer plugin and OSDE plugin have been modified and integrated.

Here are some of the available features
  • Web Service Application Server tools - create Axis2 services, .aar files etc
  • Enterprise Service Bus tools - create sequences, endpoints, proxy services, local entries, synapse configurations, custom mediators etc
  • Governance Registry tools - create registry resources, governance registry plugin capabilities, registry handlers, registry filters etc
  • BPEL tools - create BPEL artifacts with graphical BPEL editor
  • Data Services tools - create Data Services, data service validators
  • Gadget tools - create gadget artifacts with integrated Open Social Development Environment capabilities
  • Carbon Application tools - create Carbon UI bundles, 3rd party libraries etc
  • Running carbon 3.0.1 and 3.1.0 Servers from Eclipse where you can deploy created artifacts and test
Here are some of the screen shots of Carbon Studio capabilities.

You can download latest alpha release of carbon studio from or

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Chathuri,

i am following you on ws02 bpel..

Could you please tell me the step by step process for
How can we consuming WSO2 ESB service using WSO2 BPS(BPEL).

Thanks in Advance